When you think of internships, how do you envision them? Internships are often thought of as something only recent college graduates pursue, but that isn’t always true.
Also, it is an excellent way for someone making a career transition to get some major experience in a new field.
It is especially important in today’s economic climate to find an internship that can offer you the opportunity to learn new skills, network with other professionals and build your overall career.
You may decide that you would like to land an internship, so what do you need to do to ensure that you make a great impression and conduct a successful interview?
It’s no secret that interviewing can sometimes be a daunting process, so here are some helpful tips to help you prepare for an internship interview.
Table of Contents
Key Tips You Need To Know
It is important not to fall for the trap of thinking that an interview for an internship is less important than an interview for a full-time job because it is an internship.
It is best to treat it like any other interview you will have for a job. In order to ensure that you are well prepared for your interview, you must exercise your due diligence.
This section will break down the key areas you should focus on ahead of your interview so that you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your time while being evaluated for the person you are.
In the end, it is the candidates who spent time preparing for the interview and made themselves stand out from the crowd that are successful.
Researching The Company
To prepare for an interview, the most important thing you can do is to research the company.
Take some time to review the company’s website and LinkedIn page to understand what the company is trying to accomplish and how you can contribute to that effort.
If you communicate information about that company to the interviewer, you are impressing that person with your knowledge about the company since they are looking for someone to join their company who knows a lot about it.
A successful candidate takes time to develop, especially when it comes to landing an internship role because these are the people who will stay with their company for years to come.
We think you are well on your way to becoming a successful hire, if you can show what you know about the company already.
Dress For The Job
Getting dressed for the job that you applied for is another great tip to help you prepare for the interview. It is always recommended to dress in a professional manner when attending an interview, even if it is through videoconferencing.
Do your best to make a good impression. When you dress smart, this immediately will be recognised by the interviewer and creates a favorable first impression even before you speak.
Someone who dresses smart will be more successful than someone who turns up in a tracksuit.
Research Your Interviewer
Who will be conducting the interview? Can you tell me who will be conducting the interview?
Find out if they are on LinkedIn or if they are on the company website, and try to find out if there is something about them you admire or something you share in common.
Despite the fact that you do not want to appear as if you are stalking them, you can commend them for the accomplishment they have made recently.
It is a way to butter up your interviewer so they like you more than the other candidates. It is a smart technique that is really effective in creating a good impression.
Find Out The Details Of The Interview
In order to prepare for this interview, it is your responsibility to find out as much information as you can about the interview, such as: Will this be on the phone, zoom or in-person? Do they need any materials in advance?
All these things matter in order for successful preparation of an interview. There is a possibility that they might ask you to send some of the work you have done in the past, so they can get a better idea of what it is that you are like as an employee.
In order to get the best results during your interview, you should be aware of these things as soon as possible because you can then prepare more.
Is This Internship Paid Or Not?
It is a common misconception that all internships are unpaid, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Today, quite a few companies are offering paid internships and these are the types of internships that are the best for your career development.
In the event that you are on an internship that is unpaid, you will need another way of earning money alongside this internship since you need to support yourself regardless of your age.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from applying for unpaid internships, as these internships tend to yield higher rewards since they show your willingness to work hard for the company.
Determine What You Want From Your Internship
Whether it’s your first internship or your third, if you want to tell your interviewer what you hope to gain from your internship, it’s a good idea to write down a few things that you would like to accomplish.
There’s nothing better than using this approach to introduce yourself to a potential employer and to show them that you’re driven to achieving your goals and view this opportunity as a real way to do so.
Writing your goals down or knowing what you want out of your internship helps you become successful and not get discouraged if one fails. This is because you know what you are striving for at the end of the day and nothing can stop you from that.
Question You Will Be Asked At An Interview

In your role as the interviewee, you will be asked a variety of different questions during the course of the interview. It is your responsibility to answer the questions to the best of your ability.
This section aims to break down a few of the most common questions you tend to hear when being interviewed for an internship.
Why Do You Want To Work In This Industry And For The Company?
An employer wants to know why you chose this industry rather than another one, which is why this question is very popular and one that tends to be asked when interviewing an applicant.
In response to this kind of question, you should emphasize how the company is different from other companies.
You need to explain how you can see yourself working in their environment and how you would be a good fit for the organization. You really want to sell yourself to the employer in this question.
Would You Mind Telling Us A Little Bit About Yourself?
Despite the seemingly casual nature of the question, you should consider your answer strategically.
If you are going to be honest, strive to talk about both a professional accomplishment as well as something personal about you, such as a hobby.
It’s important to strike the right balance here, because they want to know not only about you as a person, but what you are like in a work environment, and if they can envision you doing the job for them.
You should avoid overthinking the question, as it is very easy to start talking about your everyday life when you should be talking about your work.
Can You Tell Us Your Strengths And Weaknesses?
In order to answer this question, the employer wants to know if you are truthful about yourself and aware of things that you need to improve. It is best to demonstrate your weaknesses positively rather than negatively.
Employers are looking for people who recognize their weaknesses and plan on improving them as they go along, not someone who believes they are perfect or are of no use to the company at all.
Being transparent about your weaknesses to the company is important, but you should also state those strengths you have. There is no perfect candidate among us, but they still want to know what makes you unique.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Internship Interviews Easier Than Full-Time Roles?
Full-time job interviews are generally thought to be more difficult than internship interviews, but this is not true.
It is common for internship interviews to be more focused on the individual and how they can see themselves growing while they are working for the company.
While in a full-time position interview, they are looking to see if you are capable of doing the job that had previously been held by a former employee.
How Long Is An Internship?
Internship lengths vary depending on the company you are applying to work for and the time of year. Internships can last from just one week to a year, depending on the internship program.
It really depends on the seriousness of the role, and whether they intend to make use of them to become full-time employees after completing them.
Now that you have read this guide, you should be well on your way to ace that internship interview.
In the time of preparation for your interview, it is very important to consider all the topics related to the business and you so that you can prepare yourself in such a way that you will be impossible to turn down!
With this knowledge, you should have a better idea of what to expect at an interview and how to approach the most common questions that will be asked.