Chevron is the owner of one of the largest global workforces.
It also happens to be the second largest oil producer, servicing 180 countries in total.
That might not be too surprising when you consider the company was once Standard Oil.
A century ago, one of history’s richest men, John D. Rockefeller, saw the value in oil.
Today, there are several brands that are associated with Chevron Corporation, such as Texaco and Techron.
With such a storied past, working for such a large company would surely be interesting, right?
Get your keys shined up, we’re going to learn the pros and cons of working for Chevron.
Table of Contents
Pros of Working for Chevron
1. Opportunity
Chevron is the type of company you can start at entry-level and eventually work up to management in one of many departments.
You could, and many do, start a career here and end up retiring from Chevron with a very different position compared to what they started with.
That has a lot to do with there being locations all over the world.
No matter which department you want to venture into, there’s got to be an opening somewhere, right?
That’s not only encouraging at any point in your career, but it also makes you feel less stuck in a dead-end job.
Knowing that wherever you go, there’s likely a job for you feels good and increases morale.
It also gives employees the chance to diversify their resumes.
2. Benefits
In order to keep and hold onto top talent, Chevron has put together a benefits package that would be tough to beat.
Perhaps one of the most exciting is the annual bonus.
However, this package shows the company cares not only about the worker but also the individual.
For example, each country where Chevron is located has its own set of benefits that match local needs.
Your health is considered as Chevron has partnered with nutrition plans and gyms to get discounts for employees.
Everyone has access to mental health resources.
Additionally, Chevron cares about your future plans by providing aid for things like adoption and fertility treatments.
Need to reorganize your schedule for needs outside of the office?
Schedules are flexible and can be made to fit differently than a coworker.
3. Competitive Pay
It may be the best benefit of all, competitive pay.
In order to not only attract but keep loyal employees around, Chevron edges out the competition by having pay that anyone would be happy with.
Being compensated not only fairly but more than average for the field is always an attractive aspect of getting an offer letter.
Chevron has acknowledged that people need to live better than the minimum.
Paying employees higher amounts means they can have better lives.
Feeling better outside of work makes you happier to come to work.
It’s a win/win.
4. Training
From station workers to those occupying the C-suites, Chevron looks for and appreciates talent.
That’s how someone can move up from station worker to corporate.
The company makes it possible through extensive training programs.
Whether you enter after graduating from college or many years into a career, the training is meant to get anyone ready for new positions.
This is also great for anyone who wants to move to a new department.
Essentially, no one needs to be stuck in a position.
The options are endless.
By the time retirement wraps around, you may have tried just about every part of Chevron you could get to.
5. Internal Resources
In addition to training, there are resources at Chevron that make work a more reliable place.
For one, the human resources department is one that many across the company feel comfortable going to.
There is no fear of retribution or punishment for going to an HR rep and expressing concerns or asking questions.
Also, aside from training, employees can educate themselves on a number of company-related topics.
Curious about processes or statistics?
Chevron encourages being educated.
That includes when it comes to safety.
Everyone can stay in the know about all safety procedures, whether they’re dealing with certain items or not.
6. Work-Life Balance
Schedules at Chevron aim to promote life outside of work, not just what you do in these four walls.
The company works around your schedule, whatever the needs are.
This is also the type of place that prides itself on not overworking employees.
If you’re scheduled to get off at 5, you leave at 5.
There’s no guilting or manipulating schedules, so an employee has to work late.
When the workday is done, it’s done.
7. Constructive Feedback
An aspect of the job that many employees find useful is the review process.
Management takes time to complete employee reviews that are thoughtful and thought-provoking.
This advice is seen as helpful because not only are managers reviewing you but they are listening as well.
Having an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish while working at Chevron helps them offer advice that can make a difference.
Cons of Working for Chevron
1. Too Top Heavy
An effective set of management can do wonders for a company, especially one as big as Chevron.
Sadly, that’s not the case here.
There are so many overlapping layers of management that they kind of cancel each other out, at least to some degree.
Leaders at the top are too full of talk and very little meaningful action.
These people are out of touch with the majority of their workforce.
Things like mentorship, understanding, and communication are lacking.
It’s also surprising how many members of management there are when downsizing is always looming.
2. Favoritism
One glaring disparity among Chevron employees is favoritism.
The favoritism shown by execs and management also extends to nepotism.
Too often, the person getting promoted isn’t the best worker.
It ends up being whoever is buddies with the boss.
Family of management often get hired for positions that they aren’t really qualified for.
Suddenly, these under-experienced leaders are in charge of large groups of people with no knowledge of how to run the department.
3. Lack of Communication
Thanks to the overwhelming number of executives, there are many different things going on.
It’s not uncommon to get direction that is something new compared to what another manager explained.
This happens way more than it should.
Important information does not trickle down, much like the economy.
Instead of directly getting to the bottom of a situation, questions are put off and employees are left in the dark.
4. Not Enough Minorities in Elevated Positions
Calling Chevron a “good old boys club” is commonplace amongst employees.
The management teams are almost exclusively older Caucasian males.
This leaves a majority of minorities feeling unheard and dismissed.
Some have even said they feel left out and not being taken seriously.
5. Slow Climb
Like with any place you work, it can take patience to move up.
Chevron seems to make it painfully slow to make any headway.
There can be growth and there will be opportunities, but some employees don’t have the patience to wait.
Unfortunately, the ones who do get promoted aren’t necessarily the ones who should.
Those are most often the favorites.
6. Not Progressive
Sure, Chevron’s business model encompasses oil.
Naturally, that’s why so many people around the world have jobs.
Oil is needed in so many aspects of life that it seems like working for an oil company is the ultimate job security.
Unexpectedly, this isn’t the case.
Like many resources on earth, oil is finite.
Eventually, we’re going to run out.
Of all people, execs at Chevron should know that and be planning for the future.
The lack of investment in the company’s future as oil winds down is alarming.
As is the lack of renewable resource development.
Not preparing for the inevitable is especially poor planning for a company so many rely on.
Just ask Blockbuster.
7. Constant Threat of Downsizing
Nothing drags down a group of people like the worry of impending doom.
When you never know if there will be a job waiting for you tomorrow, it’s hard to put your best foot forward.
Or, for that matter, put your best work out there.
Dedicating your career to a company that could just as easily downsize the entire department you work in is not very safe.
That’s exactly what employees of Chevron deal with on a regular basis.
There are so many layoffs and restructures that every department is up for grabs, from management down to station workers.
That kind of uncertainty often pushes employees to start looking before they get the axe.
14 Pros and Cons of Working for Chevron – Summary Table
Pros of Working for Chevron | Cons of Working for Chevron |
1. Opportunity | 1. Too Top Heavy |
2. Benefits | 2. Favoritism |
3. Competitive Pay | 3. Lack of Communication |
4. Training | 4. Not Enough Minorities in Elevated Positions |
5. Internal Resources | 5. Slow Climb |
6. Work-Life Balance | 6. Not Progressive |
7. Constructive Feedback | 7. Constant Threat of Downsizing |
Should You Work for Chevron?
There are a plethora of positions to choose from at Chevron in an industry that is, and probably always has been, going through transition.
Technology is ever-evolving and Chevron has the resources to keep innovating.
For someone who is interested in being part of a field where there are always developments, it can be very rewarding to work at Chevron.
It also helps that real career growth is on the table and the places where employees can work are basically endless.
However, are you willing to put in the long wait?
Moving up the ladder can be tough in any position and dealing with the customers or office politics on the way might be more of a hassle than it’s worth.
Depending on your career goals, Chevron could at least be an excellent company to have on a resume.