What is a Doctorate? And, what it’s extraordinary value? If you feel stagnation in your profession, and would like to advance in your studies, discover, research, innovate, and specialize in your career, even generate more income?
If you have ever considered, and are attracted to the idea, a doctorate will allow you to increase your knowledge, and deepen your professional career in particular.
You must define with precision, and clarity if you really love or are passionate about what you do, and want to dedicate yourself to it.
Value your professional career, through a doctorate, it may be your best choice.
Table of Contents
What Is a Doctorate? How long can you get it
Currently, the official university system is organized into first cycle undergraduate studies; the second cycle official master’s degree, and third cycle doctorate.
This last academic level, the doctorate, is the highest link in academic life as it is the next degree in the third cycle of official university studies.
However, you can continue training after doing a doctorate, since you can enroll in another career, in another master’s degree, and even do another doctoral thesis.
The doctorate is a title created especially for those who seek to go far beyond a specific area of knowledge, they want to go as deep as possible into it.
Its Purpose
The purpose of a doctorate is to have an endorsement title that accredits you as an expert on the subject.
It involves the acquisition of skills and abilities related to your study or a specific professional field.
Through an approach to generate new knowledge; discover, develop new skills, contributions and/or applied contributions for professional purposes in the specialty area.
The doctoral study implies the approval of some specialized subjects, the presentation of a thesis in which a topic of interest will be studied in-depth, and exhaustive research on it.
Finally, it will be defended before a teaching body that has eminence, and authority over the field.
Its Duration
Your period depends on the defense of your doctoral thesis, which is composed of several steps which must be conducted as follows.
The choice of the tutor or director is the one who will guide the student on the journey, exposing the subject, which must be relevant to offer aspects not previously addressed.
There must be a determination of the work plan, detailed documentation, analysis, collection and recording of data, writing, and public defense.
After its presentation, the student must defend his doctoral thesis: the method used, sources and results, before a teaching body destined for its evaluation.
The maximum duration of the doctoral programs for the defense of the thesis will be determined according to the time of dedication.
In general, the duration can vary depending on the dedication of the student and varies between 3 full-time and 5 part-time.
It all depends on the role and/or circumstances of the student.
The Benefits of Having a Doctorate
With a doctorate, you will be contributing to a greater understanding of the world around us, both present and past, and if you are lucky, you may even discover something that changes it completely.
If you finally decide to do a doctorate, even so, you just obtained your bachelor’s or engineering degree, you will be able to count on the following benefits in due course.
Expand your education, to achieve a greater understanding of a particular specialty, within your professional area and above all, to be able to increase the chances of having a prestigious position in the field of interest; to be a doctor, it is necessary to have done a thesis to obtain a doctorate and thus receive the highest university degree.
Types of Doctorate
Any field of knowledge is suitable for doctoral studies, with which it is possible to work in different areas or fields; the most common professional opportunities are in the academic area as a university professor and academic researcher or consultant.
If you are looking for opportunities, you can generate impact and develop a really exciting.
Job such as working on NGO projects; financial services, scientific writing, editorial technique, cultural organizations, and others. There are several types of doctorates.
The research doctorate, the scientific doctorate, the terminal professional doctorate, the higher doctorates, and the honorary doctorate.
We detail them below:
Doctorate of Scientific Research
The research doctorate and the scientific doctorate are often called Ph.D.’s in various countries.
The title will be awarded to those students who have been able to carry out a scientific investigation, formally called a doctoral thesis, on a certain topic.
It implies a contribution to human knowledge, albeit a modest one.
Honorary Doctorate or Doctor Honoris Causa
For this degree, the university omits the formal regulations for the granting of the degree, the candidate may not have completed the degree and still receive the honorary doctorate.
This title is awarded to someone as a result of their decisive contribution in the field in which they intervene, and will not demand professional or academic requirements to whom it is delivered, or the fulfillment and approval of a career.
Professional or Terminal Doctorate
Its objective is to generate a theoretical and practical contribution in a professional field and its corresponding doctoral thesis.
The doctoral student must develop professional practice by making an original contribution to knowledge.
Higher Doctorate
This Higher Doctorate degree guarantees that the student is qualified to direct an investigation.
It is required to have completed the research doctorate; higher doctorates are also frequently awarded honorary degrees when a university wishes to formally recognize contributions and achievements in a particular field.
It is awarded primarily as a recognized distinction.
Will you Do a Doctorate? Find Out Your Minimum Requirements
A doctorate may require specific training supplements to access. It can be carried out jointly between several universities; has the collaboration of other bodies, centers, institutions, and entities related to R + D + I.
Depending on the academic plans, other specific requirements may be established for the selection of candidates.
To achieve this, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:
- Be in possession of a bachelor’s degree and an official Master’s degree or equivalent
- Take the corresponding training supplements
- Have passed all the previous teachings with a minimum duration of 300 ECTS
- The Master’s level must correspond to a minimum duration of 60 ECTS
Now that you know about this topic, you will no longer ask yourself this question. What is a Doctorate? And, what extraordinary value it brings to your life and to the world; if you want to advance, discover, research, innovate, specialize, and generate more income in your professional career; do not hesitate to continue your studies.